Myron Golden interviews Josh and Wasi about their experience with the VIP group in the Make More Offers Challenge. After following the strategies that they learned in the five day course, Josh and Wasi went fro 10,000 a month to 60,000 a month.
From 10,000 to 60,000 Per Month In 1 Month Make More Offers Challenge Review
Myron Golden: Josh and Wasi came down from North Carolina to Tampa last week. There were about 3,000 people there. It was bananas, and it was fun. Then they told me their story, but I don’t know why they kept me in the dark. See, I don’t know if I should be excited about them. I don’t even know if I should tell you all about them or if I should like kick them to the curb like they tried to do me, but I found out all at the last minute and stuff. Found out all at the last minute and things that after they attended to Make More Offers Challenge, their business has turned like crazy.
Josh, why don’t you introduce yourself, and then Wasi, introduce yourself and tell who you are and what you do, then we’ll go from there.
Josh: Hey, guys, how’s it going? My name is Josh Alfa. I’m an options trader. I run the options trader community with Wasi. We ran into Myron Golden, his challenge. I think it was the month of May and guys; our business has dramatically changed since then. That’s what we do. We have an options trading community. We coach money trading options.
Myron: Cool. Wasi, talk to me, Brother. Do your thing.
Wasi: Sir, yes, Sir. My name is Wasi. Josh is my brother-in-law. My sister is married to him. We lead an options trading community. We teach people how to become self-sufficient options traders. The challenge was everything for us. Personally, for me, it was just a total life transformation. The challenge took our business to the next level. We spent an amount of time just really soaking in everything you taught us, Myron, and our lives are forever changed during the challenge.
Myron: Where was your business when you got started?
First of all, how did you all hear about me? How did you hear about the Make More Offers Challenge, and then what was your business doing? Tell us what challenge you came to when you were on the challenge, what your business was doing, and where then, a month later, where it was from because it’s a crazy story?
Josh: I read Trash Man to Cash Man. I was watching YouTube, and I listened to him speak. I got the book, and I saw the challenge pop up in the ad. I was like, “Do I want the $97 or the $397?” I was like, I don’t want to pay $400. I was literally in scarcity mode because, at that point, our business was at the lowest it’s ever been since it started. I think we had made like 10K in revenue that month. It was shallow. We were pretty much at the lowest point of our business, 10K since it first started. I was literally in scarcity mode, honestly, as a business owner.
I ran into Myron’s track challenge on an ad or email in May. It was scheduled for the 1st of May, something like that. I was trying to decide between 97 and 397.
Myron: $297.
Josh: Something just told me was like, “Josh, do it. Just step in faith.” Sometimes, you have to step in faith and not even know where the money will come from. So I pulled the trigger, and I joined it. I listened to the first 10 minutes. I called Wasila. I’m like, “Wasila, stop what you’re doing. Get on this challenge right now.” I called my sister, my wife. It was a family affair. We all listened to the challenge.
It was so transformative. As I said, 10K in business, a month later, which was June, after implementing even some of the stuff, everything, we haven’t even done everything, just some of the things he took on the challenge. The following month, we got the 60K in revenue, literally 6xed our business. Those who don’t know make it $10,000 a month and $60,000 a month; there’s a massive difference in what you can do. If nobody ever told you, hear from me first.
Myron: That’s good. That’s good. Okay, Wasi, why don’t you share now, Brother?
Wasi: Absolutely. To piggyback off what Josh said, we went from– If you can conceptualize this, our worst month in business to our best month to date. For this month, we’re also looking into being able to continue on that momentum. For me, we were just all glued to the challenge. I had some things going on that week, but I decided to abandon them after the first. It was just the first meeting during the challenge that I was like, I have to make sure that I soak in every minute. The part that I valued the most in the challenge was the VIP session, where you gave us direct feedback on our business.
We took it and ran with it. We went from nearly our worst month to our best month. Like I said, for us as a business, what we did was– Where we saw the most value was the VIP session where you gave us direct feedback about our company. We were doing some things that weren’t allowing us to maximize our potential to the grace of it that it can go. So we took it as gold when you gave us that feedback and ran with it.
We didn’t waiver, we didn’t– I mean, here and there, we thought about having doubts about the specific feedback you gave, but in my head, I was like, “You know what, this guy knows what he’s talking about. Why would I doubt him?” When we decided to say, “You know what, come whatever may, let’s go ahead and just address this feedback and go through with it.” That is really what transformed everything. For us, we’re looking to ride by that momentum.
Myron: You guys were in the Offer Mastery Bootcamp and the Offer Mastery Coaching.
You all get to attend this next challenge without paying again. Is that something you’re planning on doing, or do you guys have other stuff going on?
Josh: For us, we joined the program itself. We’re pretty much just going through that, digging it up, and trying to implement and get our first things launched. We still go back. Every time we have a challenge, we go back to watch it. We’ve even gone back and watched the previous ones because there’s so much value there. I tell people, “Get a pen and paper in and be ready.” One thing that’s helped me is you see a lot of stuff that needs to be unpacked, and it’s great to hear it, but it takes the time let it sink in and apply it because it will work for you.
I’ve heard, and I talk to people who’ve been around you, that you inspire so much belief, and that belief causes you to take action. I mean, high-ticket, something I’ve been thinking about for a while, but until you set it to me during that one-on-one session, I was like, “Duh, why haven’t I been doing this?” It’s like you give me permission to go for it and succeed in the business. We’ve had a life-changing impact since then. What we’re doing right now is, I’m telling you, we’re going to kill everybody to believe this is just the beginning.
Wasi: You asked if we were going to join this next challenge. That’s a no-brainer. You have to think about it; then, there are things in life you don’t have to think about. That’s not something I have to spend time thinking about. Any time with you to digest the material you have for us is always an opportunity for us as a business to grow.
During the last challenge, somebody else had already joined the challenge previously and said, “Hey, I joined the challenge, the last one, and I joined this one.” She said that she heard what you said already, but hearing it again was almost like another revelation. So that’s not even something that we have to consider. We are going to join the next challenge for sure.
Myron: I can’t even emphasize enough the importance of this challenge.
It’s not just about having an event and a bunch of people getting together, making some sales, and making some money. This challenge is about changing people’s lives. I’ve coached thousands and thousands of people. The number one common denominator that I’ve found in people is that businesses are not optimizing their revenue; they’re not making as much money as possible. The number one common denominator is they don’t make enough offers. They don’t make enough lead generation offers. They don’t make enough core product offers. They don’t make enough high-ticket offers.
They don’t make enough continuity offers. They don’t make enough offers. If you begin to start tying those four offers together, I tell people, “You guys have probably heard me teach this thing where I say, well, I’m going to show you how to take your business from $10,000 a month to $128,000 a month in four moves.” I teach that thing from $10,000 to $128,000 a month in four moves.
People think I’m just talking. They’re, “Oh, Myron’s just making it sound easier than it is.” No, you guys did it. You all went from– One month from $10,000 to $60,000. You all understand there’s a $50,000-gap between $10,000 and $60,000, and there are people who don’t make $50,000 in a year. Most people America, most people in America, 75% of Americans, make less than $50,000 a year, and you all add $50,000 to your business in one month. A month later, you guys have even surpassed the $60,000. Where are you all at right now?
Josh: Right now, we’re about $80,000 for the month. Honestly, it’s so funny. I think that’s a slow month. Let us do more. We’re probably going to end the month with right around $100,000.
Myron: End of the month, around $100,000. You all signed up for the challenge at the end of May, so you’ve been with me for two months.
Two months, $60,000 last month, $80,000 this month, that’s a $140,000-increase because you came to a challenge that cost $297. I got to be honest with you; even when I hear the success stories of my students, it’s hard for me to believe. I know people like, “No, come on, man, come on, man.” What would you say to people thinking, “Yes, I hear you, $80,000 a month, blah, blah, blah, $100,000 a month blah, blah, blah. That sounds good, but come on, man, nobody’s making that kind of money.”
What would you say to those people who are listening, thinking, “I’d like to believe you, but I just don’t know how.”
Wasi: I’ll answer that, Josh, if you don’t mind. When I think about these types of things about challenges, I look at the mind behind them. Josh referenced Trash Man to Cash Man early on, and Josh is the one that introduced me to the book. I read it myself, and I thought, “Man, whoever created this book is a genius.” When he talked about the challenge and how much it cost to answer, I was like, “Are you kidding me? Wait, we talk to this person who wrote this book, and he can talk to us about our business? Sign me up.”
What else is there to think about? The value that we got from the challenge it’s hard to put into words because, for one, we felt that this wasn’t even what we thought was even possible. The things that you taught us allowed us to escape where we were in our business and what we thought about our own business. Anyone looking to join needs to consider what they feel their business can do, and then there’s potentially more that you can’t even fathom yet. That’s what I think about.
Myron: Wow, that’s a crazy town. Josh, do you have anything you want to add, Brother?
Josh: Yes. One thing I want to tell people is this. When we switched, we were a low-ticket product, super low-ticket, less than $2,000, and super low-ticket. We had a business model that was starting to fail us pretty much. So to change our business model to what Myron said, there was so much fear around it, but as I said, the challenge itself gave me so much hope and inspiration, but more importantly, tools to show the value of what we offer.
When we did that, even though there was fair there, we pushed past them, took action, and saw the reward. If you’re on the fence about this, you’re scared and worried, “Oh, this is a scam,” give it a try. You never know. $400, you spend that in-
Myron: $300. $297. It was $297.
Wasi: It was $300, Josh.
Josh: Yes, $297 for the VIP.
Myron: For the VIP.
Wasi: VIP, yes.
Josh: We’re going to spend that on groceries or something dumb. Guys invest in your future. I’m saying that from somebody who’s been to the challenge, heard Myron speaking, and read the book. He’s a genuine deal, guys. Don’t even wait. I’m not a very bold person talking about how great somebody is, but Myron, I told him that if he has an event in Timbuktu, I would be there. So, guys, don’t delay. Hop off the fence, join the challenge, take notes, and take action.
Myron: Good stuff, man, good stuff. Wasi, what were you going to say?
Wasi: I was going to say, dig in. Once you join the challenge, you’re going to thank yourself. It will be the best money you’ve spent in a long time. Trust me. Take notes, and be very attentive. The VIP is where it’s at, honestly. The VIP is really where you get what you want. You’re going to find everything you’re looking for in the VIP session, and it’s going to blow your mind. It’s going to change everything.
Join the Next Make More Offers Challenge Today
The next Make More Offers Challenge begins soon. You can join the five day online challenge here – register today. More information about the VIP Group that Josh and Wasi joined for the challenge is here – VIP Group.
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