You’re about to discover the poverty programming that’s kept you stuck like Chuck in a pickup truck.
Do you know what’s interesting? People will always behave consistently in a way consistent with their programming. Your programming runs on your subconscious mind.
The Power of Programming: How Our Subconscious Mind Shapes Our Behavior
Let’s pretend for a minute that your mind is a supercomputer, and you’ve got your subconscious mind and your conscious mind. In a computer, you have to have an operating system. What is an operating system? An operating system is the leading software of a computer that tells that computer what other software programs it can and cannot run.
The problem with the supercomputer of our mind is most of us did not choose our operating system. The cultural hypnotic societal mechanism chose that for us. The cultural hypnotic societal agent, which includes the schools we went to, the churches we’ve gone to, our parents, our neighbors, our siblings, our friends, our coworkers, our bosses, our employees, the media, the government, all of it has programmed us with what I call a failure operating system.
If you put a failed program in a computer with a failed operating system, it can run that program. Guess what? If you put successful software in a computer programmed with a failed operating system, all you’ll get is an error message.
Success and Failure: The Role of the Automatic Mind
That is why so many people, when they hear some truth about wealth, must resist it because their subconscious program won’t allow them to run that program.
Success and failure both operate, produced by the subconscious mind or what I like to call the automatic reason. I want to call our subconscious our intuitive sense, conscious mind our manual mind. 90% of the results in your life are produced by your automatic mind, which means you’re not even aware of it. It’s running below the surface, happening automatically, and you don’t even see it.
Here’s what’s interesting. Other people who are not programmed like you can see your programming. How many of you see what happens when we hear some truth that’s unfamiliar to us? The first thing we do is resist it because, well, that can’t be true because that doesn’t go along with our paradigm because people will never behave consistently in a way that’s inconsistent with their programming.
Uninstalling and Installing Operating Systems
Here’s what’s interesting. I don’t know if all of you can remember back in the ’80s, late ’80s when you get, you’d have like the 80, 86 computer and the 80, 88s and you had the floppy drives, and they came out with a new software system for the computer, came out with a new operating system. You had to uninstall the old operating system, which usually took a couple of hours, and then you had to keep putting these floppy discs in and taking one out and putting one in, taking one out, putting one in. It took a long time to reprogram the operating system in that computer.
Does anybody remember those days? Okay, good. A couple of us are old enough to remember those days. Okay? What happened is they’d make new software, but the new software wouldn’t run on the old operating system, right? So you had to pick a day where, “Okay, I’m going to have to uninstall this operating system, and then I’m going to have to set the alarm to wake up in the middle of the night and keep on putting these discs in so I can use my computer tomorrow.” In the same way, it took a long time back then to uninstall an operating system and reinstall a new one.
The Long Process of Reprogramming: Embracing Change and Overcoming Resistance
It takes a long-time for most people to uninstall their failed operating system and install a successful one. That’s why you must stay plugged into information and content reprogramming you. But, eventually, here’s what’s going to happen. I promise you, and you see somebody, how many of you notice that when you see someone who’s good at something, they’re good? This is because they make something so complex look effortless.
Michael Jordan was so much better than everybody else when he was in the NBA. When he played basketball, he made it look effortless. Tiger Woods made birdies and eagles look like he was playing with a child’s toy. Why? They had a different operating system going. See, operating systems don’t just affect us in sports. They affect us in every aspect of our lives. They affect us in our finances; they affect us in our businesses. We resist because it’s uncomfortable to uninstall that old programming.
The Comfortable Trap of Old Programming: Why We Struggle to Let Go
Do you know why it’s uncomfortable? Grandma gave it to me. It’s uncomfortable because Mum gave it to me. After all, Daddy gave it to me. My Uncle Sam gave it to me, and my Aunt Susie gave it to me. I don’t want to take it out. My favorite teacher gave it to me, my pastor gave it to me, and the deacon gave it to me. So we have all of this programming that needs to serve us and give us the ability to help anybody else. Guess what? Did you ever notice that people failing miserably make that look effortless?
I’m not trying to be funny. They’re not saying, “I’m just going to wake up and mess up my life today.” All the moves they do that day mess up the whole day. Why? It’s their programming.
This poverty programming like you have, has programmed you to be broke. The cultural, hypnotic, and societal mechanism has programmed you to be sick, broke, misinformed, and fearful. Guess what? Running this program will make you happier, well-rested, and confident. Either one of those things or all of those things. Why does the cultural, hypnotic, and societal mechanism want us sick, broke, misinformed, and fearful? People who are sick, broke, misinformed, and fearful are easier to control than people who are healthy, wealthy, well-informed, and courageous.
Recognizing the Roots of Our Programming
What we have to do is we have to recognize the program but see, we have to acknowledge where it comes from. Do you understand? Every time the politicians lie to you and tell you they’re going to end income inequality, how do you know they’re lying? They can’t end income inequality. Income doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It’s the result of something. What’s the result? It’s a result of the value that’s created for somebody other than you. You must eliminate value creation inequality before you can eliminate income inequality. They’re lying. The government wants you to think that successful businesses are successful because the owners of those businesses are evil.
The Subliminal Messages in Superhero Movies
The reality is the promoter of that message is the evil one. Some businesses are corrupt. I’m not saying there are no businesses– There are some businesses where the owners have bad intentions. That’s different from the nature of business: the media, the movies. I’m not really into film, but the movies that I hate the most, superhero movies, I can’t stand them. They’re so terrible. They have programmed so many people to be broke. See, what do you mean? You never even thought about that before, right? See, they started programming you when you were a little kid. Does anybody remember this guy named Superman? Right? Superman.
You remember who he was. He was an adopted poor little orphan from another planet. Who was his arch-enemy? Lex Luthor. What was he? Multimillionaire, subconsciously. See, do you understand that every time a story is told, it’s meant on two levels? There’s the covert story, the part that talks to your head. It’s only there to distract you. The overt story that’s the part that speaks to your heart. It’s there to program you.
Okay, what about Spiderman? Oh, another little poor little orphan raised by his aunt and uncle. Oh, who’s his arch-enemy? Oh, that’s right, the Green Goblin. He wasn’t a multimillionaire. He was a multibillionaire. They’re always associating wealth with evil. I know what you’re thinking. I already know what you’re thinking because I’m a mind reader. You’re thinking, but Batman was rich. How many of all of you were thinking that? See, I knew it. I knew what you were thinking.
You got to get up early in the morning. You’re going to catch me on that one. You’re right. Batman was rich, but he’s the only superhero with no superpowers. Which one would you instead do? Have a cool car, or fly? Okay, I can’t even go there yet. I can’t go there yet, but I will. I’ll touch on it since you brought it up. Just be ready. Okay. I know the other thing you’re thinking. Yes, but Iron Man’s rich. I’m reading your mind. I already told you. Watch this.
Iron Man is a selfish jerk who takes advantage and walks on everybody. They always give them an undesirable character trait if they make a rich superhero. What about the Black Panther? See, here’s what the enemy did with the Black Panther. Black people felt so disenfranchised that, unfortunately, far too many of us want to go with something black just because something’s black. See, here’s the problem I have with Black Panther. They were literally in the movie, teaching ancestor worship. Does ancestor worship? What am I going to honor my dead ancestors for? God’s the one that made him. I’m going to worship him. Black Panther was cool.
He was rich; he was excellent. He was smart. He could fight. He did all that. They had to throw that ancestor because the enemy is always trying to trip us up, and he’ll use whatever method necessary, whatever way possible. See, I will tell you something while I’m on this subject. Our primary identifying factor should not be our color, and it should not be our gender. It should be something other than our educational level. It should be different from the amount of money that we have. It should not be an association that we’re a part of. It should not be our fraternity. It should not be our neighborhood. It should not be our country club.
Our Primary Identifying Factor: Going Beyond Surface Attributes
The primary identifying factor of our lives should be that the lamb’s blood redeems us. If that’s not first, you got the wrong thing in the first place. I am not Black first. By the way, Martin Luther King dreamed of a day when a man would no longer be judged by the color of his skin but by the content of his character. We want to be considered; we want to judge things by the color of our skin.
Do you understand every time you go along with something that’s– as a Black person, every time we go along with something black and whack, we’re just doing what the oppressors of our ancestors, we agree with the oppressors of our ancestors? The most important thing about us is the color of our skin. It’s not; I like being a brother. Do you know what I’m saying?
Celebrating Ourselves and Others: Overcoming Competition and Embracing Unity
If I were white, I would enjoy that just as much because I am made precisely the way God desired me to be, and I’m not in competition with anybody. I can celebrate you, and it doesn’t take anything from me, and I can celebrate me, and it doesn’t take anything from you. If you think my celebrating me takes something from you, someone else has the problem. If I believe you are celebrating, you are taking something from me; I’m the one with the situation. James, the brother of the Lord, wrote a book in the New Testament called James; his name was Jacob.
James, the brother of Jesus– here’s what he said. He didn’t tell James, the brother of the Lord; he didn’t say, James, the Senior Pastor at the Church of Jerusalem. He didn’t say, Reverend James, the Senior Pastor of the Church of Jerusalem. He said, ”James, a servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ.” So that was his primary identifying factor, and if it’s good enough for the half-brother of the Lord who’s a Senior Pastor at the Church of Jerusalem, it is good enough for me to be my primary identifying factor.
We have been programmed by the government, by the media. Do you realize that Hollywood started waging war on business in the 1970s? We didn’t even see it. By the time the average American turns 18, they’ve seen 10,000 people murdered by business people and entrepreneurs on television and in movies. They’ve seen more people murdered on television by entrepreneurs and business people, more than even career criminals. No wonder people don’t want to go into business; they only want to save the planet. They’ve been programmed, but let me say, ”you weren’t born with any ideas.”
All of the beliefs you have, you got them from somewhere. You should check the source before running 100 miles an hour in the wrong direction and ending up off a cliff somewhere. Here’s what we got to do: we got to understand that the results that my life is producing are automatically producing those results. If I want to make some different results, I have to reprogram my automatic mind. I have to be intentional, and I have to be aware.
Implementation: The Lowest Level of Value and the Struggle with Limited Resources
I have to be aware of the fact, like where is this coming from? I know from Genesis, Chapter One there are four levels of value. The lowest level is implementation; use your muscles.
I’m not going to do it that way. Use your muscles over time; that’s the resource you use to make money; this is why you’re broke. What do I mean by that? Wealth is a spiritual result; wealth is spiritual; it is not physical but spiritual. It’s spiritual because your money can be in more than one place at a time; only spiritual things can be in more than one place at a time.
The thing that gives money its value nothing is backing this money I have in my pocket. The thing that makes it valuable is the message that it carries. A $100 bill is more valuable than a penny, even though the material the penny’s made out of is worth more than the material a $100 account is made out of. If money were material, a penny would be worth more than a $100 bill, but a $100 bill’s worth 10,000 times more; why? It says 1 cent on a penny, which means 1% of $1. On a $100 bill, it says $100, which means 100 times $1.
The message that it carries is the thing that makes it valuable. The other reason it’s sound is that we believe it’s useful. The two things that make helpful money are its message and the faith it creates. Language is spiritual, and theology is spiritual. Wealth is a spiritual outcome, but muscles are a physical resource. Time is a limited resource. We’re multiplying a physical resource, time being a finite resource, and attempting to produce a complete spiritual result; no wonder you’re broke.
Unification: The Second Level of Value and the Challenges of Management
Unification is the second level of value. On that level, we use our management skills to make money; we’re not broke; you might make anywhere from 40,000 to $250,000 annually. If a company’s paying you $250,000 a year, here’s what they want you to know. They want you to know they own you; they don’t care about your child’s recital. Your grandfather on this deathbed, your ba– nothing.
Communication: The Third Level of Value and the Potential for Wealth Creation
What’s the next level? Above that dotted line is where wealth begins to create; this is communication. This is the third highest level of value.
Imagination: The Highest Level of Value and Unlocking Our Full Potential
The highest level of value is imagination; most like here, your income on the communication level will be somewhere between 100K a year if you sell cars. It could be 100,000,000 a year if you’re an A-list actor or a singer, write songs or movies, or a hundred million a year. This is communication. Imagination, these are people who come up with the best idea. The resource you use here is your mouth; you have to have a mouth and learn how to use it. Everyone qualifies for the first part; now, you must start working on the second part.
The Missing Link in Business School: Learning to Sell and Attract Clients
Your mind, the resource you use up here for imagination, or your mind and money to make money. When you do that, this will take your life to another level, but you’ve been programmed to stay down here or work hard to get a degree so you can move up here, and you don’t even value it. In business school, they need to teach you how to sell. You go to school for six or eight years to learn how to be a lawyer; they teach you how to practice all this law. They need to teach you how to get new clients to practice law. You go to school for 8 to 20 years to learn how to be a doctor, and they teach you how to work on the human body; they don’t teach you how to get any human bodies to work on.
We’ve been programmed to be broke, and poverty programming costs you a fortune. That’s why I always say if you’re broke if you make less than $50,000 a month, you can’t afford to be watching television. You may be using that time to read some books to learn a new skill you want, but don’t you want to see them? I don’t want to see them. I want to be them. I want somebody to watch me live my life on TV. That’s how people are programmed to be broke for the rest of their life.
Don’t let the cultural hypnotics societal mechanism program you to be broke because your family deserves better than that. God bless you.
Offer Mastery Live with Myron Golden
Dr. Myron Golden announces registration for the first “Offer Mastery Live” event is now open for entrepreneurs and innovators who want to chart a path to financial freedom.
Event host and featured speaker Dr. Myron Golden is a multi-millionaire, serial entrepreneur, author, and coach whose success is hard-earned. During the “Offer Mastery Live,” he will share the stage with a selective team of experts in digital marketing technology, affiliate marketing, financial management, leadership coaching, public speaking, and more. This is a rare and exciting opportunity to hear from Golden and others about how they have built highly profitable enterprises.
This three-day conference runs June 14th to 16th in Tampa, Florida, for business professionals looking to learn from top experts how to boost product or service-based businesses into seven- and eight-figure incomes.