Myron Golden
Myron Golden is a business guru, bestselling author, and speaker who teaches people how to turn their passions into profits. He specializes in sales funnel hacking and uses biblical principles to guide his teachings.
He is committed to guiding people toward a seven to eight figure income as quickly as possible. He also wants to help them put God at the center of their growth, so they can live a life of purpose and build a legacy that will impact others.
Make More Offers Challenge
The Make More Offers Challenge is an online program that focuses on increasing sales and revenue. It is suitable for entrepreneurs and business owners of all sizes. It comes with support and accountability to help participants stay motivated and on track.
The program is led by Myron Golden, who has over 30 years of experience in the marketing and business industry. He specializes in sales funnel hacking skills and has helped countless entrepreneurs turn their passion into profits. He believes in the power of faith and puts God at the center of his life and business.
He teaches his students how to build seven to eight figure businesses that put biblical principles at the forefront. He also aims to teach people how to live a fulfilling life, help others and develop a living legacy that will be remembered long after they’re gone.
Myron Golden has been working in the marketing and business industry for over thirty years, and he is known for his sales funnel hacking skills. He has taught his students how to create irresistible offers that sell and has helped them generate over one hundred million dollars in sales, one Golden Offer at a time.
He has created a 5-day challenge that involves intensive training sessions, projects, Q&A and feedback sessions for 1 to 2 hours daily. Enrollees will also be given access to a private Facebook group where they can connect with other challenge members and receive support from Myron Golden.
Boss Moves Book
The Boss Moves Book is a must read for anyone who wants to learn about the latest marketing trends and technologies. The book was a collaboration between Myron Golden and Russell Brunson and is filled with all the latest tools and techniques used to attract customers and increase conversion rates.
Myron Golden is a marketing expert and best-selling author who has helped thousands of people create wealth while putting God at the center of their lives. His off-the-charts positive energy has been the driving force behind the success of many of his students.
He is also a self-described “garbage man” and has learned to use his unique financial and business acumen to become an expert in helping others succeed.
The Boss Moves Book is aptly named as it is packed with the most important and effective marketing strategies you need to grow your business. The book is a must have for any online entrepreneur looking to make the most out of their marketing dollars. The book can be purchased via Amazon or via a free download from his website. The book is available in several languages including English, French, German and Italian. The best way to find out more is to contact Myron directly and request a complimentary consultation.
Trash Man to Cash Man Book
Myron Golden is a best selling author, business consultant, public speaker and coach who uses biblical principles to help people turn their passions into profits. He teaches people how to live and work from a place of integrity, trust, empathy, and generosity.
He has a successful track record and has worked with a wide variety of business owners from all over the world to build profitable businesses. Myron also has a strong faith in God, which helps him to motivate others and make them reach their goals.
In this book, Myron shares a proven system that can help you get from a trash man earning $6.25 per hour to a business owner and highly sought after business consultant. The book is easy to read and will be helpful for anyone who wants to make a big change in their life.
Myron is a business and marketing expert who has been in the industry for more than 30 years. He has helped many clients generate six and seven figure incomes. He also uses technology to help businesses generate leads and enhance the offline conversion process.
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